GOLD TECHNICAL AND SYSTEM SUPPORT is designed to meet the needs of Customers using larger systems and, potentially, more mission-critical production situations, and would therefore need broader periods and high-availability of Technical and System Support Coverage (i.e. seven days by 24 hours Extended Phone Support Coverage). The Gold Technical and System Support Program is also designed for Customers who would have technology and system integration with their back-end and/or other core application systems, and would therefore require more onsite Technical Consulting services.

ABSI delivers prioritized support services on a 24-hour basis and offer Customers convenient and flexible access to ABSI Technical Support Specialist/s whenever needed. Principal Period of Gold Technical and System Support coverage at ABSI Customer Service Desk are: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Mondays to Fridays excluding legal and special holidays.
The Gold Technical and System Support Program covers the following:

  1. All the services under the SILVER TECHNICAL & SYSTEM SUPPORT;
  2. Additional 120-hours Incident Pack, which the CUSTOMER may use for onsite support.
  3. A 7 x 24 Extended Phone Support Coverage;
  4. Maximum of 40-manhours Onsite Technical and System Consulting Services. Additional Onsite Technical and System Consulting Services may be acquired by the Customer under the Gold Technical and Support Program at less 15% discount.
  5. Assignment of an On-call ABSI Technical Support Specialist on a 7x24 basis as the designated contact within ABSI to ensure that the Customer's Support needs are promptly addressed and effectively met. While the initial point of contact for the opening, assessment, and resolution of Technical and System Incident is through the ABSI Customer Desk, the on-call ABSI Technical Support Specialist monitors all ongoing issue and activities, and ensures that these are promptly and properly addressed. The assigned on-call ABSI Technical Support Specialist provides a monthly status report of all incidents and performs regular site visits. Moreover, the designated ABSI Technical Support Specialist maintains and updates Customer Profile Info, reviews Support Program Activities, manages escalations within the Customer Desk, notifies Customer of critical technical alerts and updates, and reviews the Support Program coverage. These prioritized services are meant to help the Customer achieve the most from their Support Program and increase their effectiveness on ABSI Software Product/s.
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